
Jason Dwight

Co-Owner/Executive Chef

Jason has devoted the past 25 years of his life striving to become a restaurant owner/chef. He learned the true value of hard work at a young age by working construction for the meanest boss he’s ever had…his father. Years later, Jason would joke with his greatest chef mentor, Kevin Binkley, that he was the second meanest boss he’d ever had. Now, as a restaurant owner striving for excellence, he understands that good enough…is not good enough. Jason is a true proponent of the idea that what goes into our food, also goes into our body. This is why he is so passionate about eating clean, local, organic, sustainable foods. For Jason, nothing beats cooking real food on an open fire.


Katherine Dwight

Co-Owner/Executive Pastry Chef

As a very young girl, Katherine garnered the nickname “The General” which stemmed from her strong-will and sense of knowing exactly what she wanted. She’s not ashamed to say that she still has a strong will and firm knowledge of what she wants. Fortunately, she also has a good sense of humor and loves to laugh.

When she’s not creating breads and desserts at Persepshen, she’s likely to be spending time with Jason and their three children, Joseph and Juniper and Daisy. If motherhood has taught Katherine anything about life…it’s that nothing ever goes exactly as you anticipated it might. Even so…there isn’t a thing about it she would change. Well…maybe she would ask for the ability to take a ten minute shower in peace.

Katherine’s hope is that when you come in to Persepshen, “you feel like you are a guest in our home. As if you’re breaking bread with us, sharing laughs, drinks and some really, really good food.”


Alex Schreivogel

Sous Chef

As a true Arizona native, Alex can say that he’s one of a dying breed. Having grown up in a place with amazing weather, he’s learned to love all the outdoors has to offer. Amongst his favorite things to do are: camping, fishing, and hiking. When he’s not cooking at Persepshen, he’s cooking at home for his incredible, loving girlfriend and his sassy, beautiful daughter who is 11 going on 17. Alex likes a good beer, but if he were forced to choose a favorite drink, coffee wins every time.